I made churro donuts.
Churrr nuts, dude.
Anyway, these are super simple, here's how you make them...
- 1 can Cresent rolls
- 2 Pudding cups
- 1/4 cup candy melts or chocolate chips melted
- Cinnamon and sugar
- A little oil
- Fresh fruit (optional)
- Foil
Blast some Mariachi El Bronx
Roll out the Cresent dough and cut into strips, then twist up those strips.
Roll foil into what looks like little tree stumps and wrap the strips of dough around that. Drizzle a little oil on the cups (and in the pan) and pinch them sealed. Cook for 5 mins at 375 with the cups upside down on the foil then flip the foil stump Cresent side down and cook the remainder of the way.
Once they are golden brown pull them out of the oven, toss them in the cinnamon and sugar then let them COMPLETELY COOL. This will be hard because they will look and smell good as fuuuck. Once they're cooled fill with the Pudding and fruit then top with the melted chocolate. Dude.....make these , it costs about $3 for 4 of these bad boys and they are so simple that you can make them even when you're "Senor Frogs wasted".